miss Imogen Heap

Its a lazy raining sunday in bed with my laptop for me and what better way to complete it then with the sounds of Imogen Heap. Heck i love this chick. From the moment i heard her vocals in Frou Frou i knew there was no way i would forget her. HIDE & SEEK is probably one of the most well crafted vocoder laying EVER!!! I aspire to do some neat tricks like that in one of my productions in the near future. But until then i just want to remind you that her next album is due out in 2008 and im freaking, maybe more so begging for it to be pushed forward to January rather then April as sighted on Wikipedia. So to celebrate the SUNDAY & miss HEAP i have included the link to a bootleg remix of 'the moment i said it' which is very cool indeed. I had to hunt this one down and freakin am hooked.

imogen heap - the moment i said it(ben brown remix).mp3


Unknown said...

Hi there. I have been searching for this song EVERYWHERE and i cannot for the life of me find it!! i want it so bad to put in one of my shows:) i clicked on the link that is posted here, and much to my dismay, it didnt work:( could you please please PLEASE send me a new link to this song or send it to me? i would be eternally in your debt! Thank you in advance!!